Resolutions - Go Green

Go Green
Easy, Eco-Friendly Tips

Going green isn't just good for the environment, it's great for your wallet. Shop for
durable, lasting products like cast iron cookware, compact fluorescent light bulbs,
and SIGG water bottles. You can lessen your environmental footprint by choosing
safe and effective cleaning products like Seventh Generation or Mrs. Meyer's.
Also, stock the bathroom with natural skin care from Kiehl's and organic shampoo.

• Go back to New Year's Resolutions Guide
 Go Natural

Kiehl's Skin Care
 Soft & Safe

Organic Sheet Sets
 Clean Better

Seventh Generation
 Stock Up

Organic Blankets
 Clean Burning

Soy Candles

Women's Organic Shirts
 Rinse Freely

Shampoo & Conditioner
 No Allergies

Organic Pillows
 Avoid Plastic

SIGG Water Bottles
 Get the Glow

Organic Skin Care

Mrs. Meyer's
 Low Flow H2O

Shower Heads
 Sleep Soundly

Organic Baby Pajamas
 No Teflon

Cast Iron Cookware
 Save Energy

CFL Light Bulbs